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Major VersionM

by Adalyn Ordono

  1. Always try to keep filament dry, to prevent moisture entering the filament and making it brittle
    • Always try to keep filament dry, to prevent moisture entering the filament and making it brittle

    • Place the filament directly into a Material Pod with desiccant or leave in sealed packaging until you intend to use it

  2. Treat the surface of print beds well, avoiding metal scrapers and wipe away any finger oils with rubbing alcohol
    • Treat the surface of print beds well, avoiding metal scrapers and wipe away any finger oils with rubbing alcohol

    • Always make sure that the right surface treatments are applied for the correct filaments being used

  3. When printing in HT, the heated chamber takes a while to heat up - consider heating this before preparing your print job
    • When printing in HT, the heated chamber takes a while to heat up - consider heating this before preparing your print job


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