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by Adalyn Ordono


If you are building your own Canvas Hub, you'll be able to connect your printer and Palette via OctoPrint to control, load, and start your print files. The following steps will walk you through how to install the necessary plugins if you already have a Raspberry Pi with OctoPrint and would like to create your own Canvas Hub.

This setup guide is intended for users with an existing OctoPi and connected to your printer. If you do not have OctoPrint setup we would advise that you visit to setup your own OctoPrint server and then continue with this guide.

If you choose to use our free OctoPrint Canvas plugin you will have the same abilities as Canvas Hub users to control, load and start prints with your Palette 2 (Pro) (S) and printer.

  1. To launch Octoprint, enter octopi.local, or copy and paste the IP address for the Raspberry Pi into the web browser.
    • To launch Octoprint, enter octopi.local, or copy and paste the IP address for the Raspberry Pi into the web browser.

    • Our plugins are compatible with Octoprint 1.7.3 and previous releases.

  2. Once updated, select the Settings icon. Once in the Settings window, select Plugin Manager. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Get More.... You'll enter the Install new Plugins... screen. From here, you'll be able to install a plugin from URL.
    • Once updated, select the Settings icon.

    • Once in the Settings window, select Plugin Manager. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Get More....

    • You'll enter the Install new Plugins... screen. From here, you'll be able to install a plugin from URL.

    u cant just click and paste from here it automatically dwn to pc as a zip file

    and url destination

    this is from this page try paste that )

    this is the bit that is stalling me

    ganjapaper - Reply

    • Copy and paste the following file destinations URLs in the following order. Note: These plugins will need to be installed individually to be successful.

    • Palette 2 plugin file destination URL:

    • Canvas plugin file destination URL:

    • Do not directly download and unzip the files. The plugins will only work when installed from URL in OctoPrint.

    • Please also note that if you have any existing GCode scripts on your OctoPrint, this may affect certain Canvas Plugin and P2 Plugin functionalities, such as filament loading. Please consider reviewing/removing conflicting scripts if certain functionalities are not acting as they should.

    Same issues. Cannot load Canvas Plugin successfully. It seems to install ok, I reset and the tab is not there. I’m running Py 2.7, upgraded to Octoprint 1.7.2. I appreciate Jonny Yeu steps, but I have no idea what he is talking about.

    Please send me (or post) a detailed step by step guide to get my Palette 2s up and running.

    R. Reynolds - Reply

    We have an improved plugin/image file that will work with Python 3, and we expect to release it soon as we’re still testing to ensure that it works properly and allows the Canvas tab to appear.

    Jonny Yeu -

    Same issues. Cannot load Canvas Plugin successfully. It seems to install ok, I reset and the tab is not there. I’m running Py 2.7, upgraded to Octoprint 1.7.2. I appreciate Jonny Yeu steps but I have no idea what he is talking about.

    Please send me a detailed step by step guide to get my Palette 2s up and running.

    R. Reynolds - Reply

    Hi Jonny, i’ve tried emailing you (4 days ago) but while i don’t get an reply i assume i perhaps have a wrong emailadres? Nonetheless, I've tried the password based on the serial number what you suggested but still no luck. What other options do I have?

    Mike Bloemink - Reply

    Sorry to hear that! Have you reset your Hub in the past? If so, could you please use the password ‘raspberry’? I’ll check our spam folder for any missed messages, but you can also reach us at

    Jonny Yeu -

    Hi Jonny Yeu, thank you for your reply I’ve tried to login on the RPI but unfortunately I get ‘access denied‘. I’m sure we didn’t change default inlog credentials but it doesn’t work. I’ve tried all deafult inlog credentials i could find online but none of them work.

    Any ideas how to factory reset without login?

    Mike Bloemink - Reply

    Hey Mike, sorry for the delay. Could you please try using your serial number as the password, with the format xxxx-ch and all in lower case? Please also feel free to email me directly ( and I can respond to your inquiries much quicker.

    Jonny Yeu -

    We are experiencing the sames issues as described above. We use Octoprint 1.6.1 and after updating the Canvas plugin to 3.0.3 the Canvas tab is not showing up. Nor do we see the Canvas plugin within the Plugin Manager. If needed i’m willing to downgrade the plugin to 2.3.3 but i’m unable to find this online? Can somebody help me?

    Mike Bloemink - Reply

    Hey Mike, currently it seems to be an issue with the OctoPrint update. To get around this while still using V3.0.3, please follow these steps:

    - Uninstall Canvas and Palette plugins from Octoprint.

    - SSH into the RPi, if you are using Windows you can use PuTTY. You can also use an IP scanner to get the IP address from the RPi, using the IP address as the hostname to connect to. Once you have the IP address, copy and paste it into PuTTY as the host to connect to.

    - Unless you have already configured your RPi login, the default id and password to access the Raspberry Pi is:piraspberry

    - Once the connection is established, please enter the following three commands separately.

    a. sudo apt-get update

    b. curl -L --output

    c. python3

    - Once the Python update is complete, please reboot the RPi.Afterwards, reconnect to Octoprint and re-install both the Palette and Canvas plugins.

    Jonny Yeu -

    Additionally to my previous post I'm also unable to manually print by downloading the file from Canvas and uploading it to Canvas Hub. Palette 2 is 'connected', but when I then press connect to my Snapmaker 2.0, the connections with Pallete 2 gets disconnected and I get an error that he is unable to connect.

    I'm than again able to connect again to Pallete 2 'connected' but as soon as I than connect tot Snapmaker 2.0 the same happens all over again.

    Mike Bloemink -

    Yes I have followed those steps. in the old plug in 2.3.3 it says my account is connected.

    when I go to canvas it says connect your device and asks for the code.

    If I install the 3.0.3 I get

    Connection Status: Not Connected to Canvas

    There seems to be an issue connecting to Canvas.

    The plugin will automatically try to re-connect until the connection is re-established.

    In the meanwhile, please download your Canvas files manually and upload them to the Hub.

    so no neither the old plug in nor the new plugin will connect to canvas. for downloading the files from canvas

    Canvas (3.0.3)

    Homepage  Mosaic Manufacturing Ltd.

    A plugin to handle communication with Canvas

    AGPLv3  Python >=2.7,<4

    Palette 2 (3.0.0)

    Homepage  Mosaic Manufacturing Ltd.

    A plugin to handle communication with Palette 2

    AGPLv3  Python >=2.7,<4

    note the canvas plugin never gives a code from the 3.0.x plugin

    Mark Burton - Reply

    Thanks for sharing. I’ve responded to your e-mail thread and have just asked for OctoPrint log files if possible (

    Jonny Yeu -

    Yes I have followed those steps. in the old plug in 2.3.3 it says my account is connected.

    when I go to canvas it says connect your device and asks for the code.

    If I install the 3.0.3 I get

    Connection Status: Not Connected to Canvas

    There seems to be an issue connecting to Canvas.

    The plugin will automatically try to re-connect until the connection is re-established.

    In the meanwhile, please download your Canvas files manually and upload them to the Hub.

    so no neither the old plug in nor the new plugin will connect to canvas. for downloading the files from canvas

    Canvas (3.0.3)

    Homepage  Mosaic Manufacturing Ltd.

    A plugin to handle communication with Canvas

    AGPLv3  Python >=2.7,<4

    Palette 2 (3.0.0)

    Homepage  Mosaic Manufacturing Ltd.

    A plugin to handle communication with Palette 2

    AGPLv3  Python >=2.7,<4

    note the canvas plugin never gives a code from the 3.0.x plugin

    Mark Burton - Reply

    it does and it doesn’t. the plug in runs but I cannot add the device in canvas so i cannot send to the canvas hub from canvis

    Mark Burton - Reply

    Hey Mark, the plugin shouldn’t affect the ability to add a device to your Setup in Canvas. Just to confirm, you’ve followed the steps in this support article (

    Jonny Yeu -

    Cureent version constantly gives me this error


    Connection Status: Not Connected to Canvas

    There seems to be an issue connecting to Canvas.

    The plugin will automatically try to re-connect until the connection is re-established.

    In the meanwhile, please download your Canvas files manually and upload them to the Hub.

    OctoPrint 1.6.1

    Python 3.7.3

    OctoPi 0.18.0

    Mark Burton - Reply

    Thanks for sharing, it seems to be an issue on OctoPrint’s end. However, we have heard that reverting back to V2.3.3 does work currently:

    Jonny Yeu -

    Thanks for this information, Amacello. Our software team is currently working on a fix for this and an updated plugin should be released in the very near future. We appreciate your patience with this!

    Jonny Yeu - Reply

    We’re very sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this issue. We've seen a handful of these issues, and just wanted to confirm which version of OctoPrint that you're using, and if you've noticed if any other plugins were affected.

    Also, could you please search for new software updates and also check the Canvas plugin disable status as those could be potential blockers.

    Jonny Yeu - Reply

    Hello Jonny Yeu,

    As i already stated I've tried the three versions 1.4.1, 1.5.1 and 1.6.1 of Octoprint, each with all three versions of 3.x and version 2.3.x of the Canvas plugin. Only combination working so far is Octoprint 1.6.1 and canvas 2.3.3.

    The raspberry pi 3b+ running octoprint also received a fresh firmware update.

    I uninstalled ALL other plugins except for the ones that came with Octoprint, still couldn't get it to work.

    Now, with 2.3.3 canvas, and the latest palette plugin, I was able to additionally install thermal runaway and others, and it still works.

    Thanks for your help!

    Amacello -

    Canvas still doesnt work with Octoprint 1.6.1, this has turned the palette 2 into a massive very expensive paperweight. Please sort this ASAP.

    James Peverley - Reply

    I’ve also tried backtracking to Octoprint 1.4.x, still didn’t work for me. What did work was using Canvas 2.3.3. But this obviously is not what we expected…

    Amacello -

    I’ve got the same issue as Raimund and Steven. The plugins are visible in safemode of my octopi, but in normal mode only the Palette 2 plugin is visible. Canvas doesn’t even have an entry in the config.yaml yet, still shows as finished install in the interface. Can someone please help me out?

    I’ve also uninstalled all other 3rd party plugins…

    Amacello - Reply

    i can install 2.3.3 as well but that does not work with the current web instance of canvas.

    I initially thought maybe this had to do with the python update from 2.7 to 3.x so I reinstalled octopi to the new version of octopi 0.18 that supports 3.x, but that did not fix it. Still no response to my email to mosaic support and no response here. While I can manually down load the files from canvas and upload them to the hub and make it work it is highly inconvenient.

    Mark Burton -

    I was now able to install Canvas v2.3.3.

    Does that info help?

    Amacello -

    Canvas 3.0.2 is unfortunately still not visible in Octoprint 1.6.1. Palette 2 is visible and alive.

    Raimund Unnewehr - Reply

    Quick question, did palette 3 pro gonna have it ?

    michael laurin - Reply

    Hey Michael, there will be no Palette 3 (Pro) plugin for OctoPrint, so you will not be able to use OctoPrint with P3, but you will have access to our own custom printer control software. You will be able to control the printer and the print from Palette’s screen or from a webpage.

    Alina -

    I have tried to install the CANVAS plugin several times to my octoprint server. The log keeps telling me that install is complete but the tab is not showing up, nor do I see it in my list of plugins. The Palette 2 plugin seems to work fine.

    Steven B Seggelink - Reply

    @deeflu Please follow these steps: - Uninstall Canvas and Palette plugins from Octoprint.

    - SSH into the RPi, if you are using Windows you can use PuTTY. You can also use an IP scanner to get the IP address from the RPi, using the IP address as the hostname to connect to. Once you have the IP address, copy and paste it into PuTTY as the host to connect to.

    - Unless you have already configured your RPi login, the default id and password to access the Raspberry Pi is:piraspberry (if you haven’t reset your Hub, the password is your serial number in lowercase in this format: xxxx-ch

    - Once the connection is established, please enter the following three commands separately.

    a. sudo apt-get update

    b. curl -L --output

    c. python3

    - Once the Python update is complete, please reboot the RPi.Afterwards, reconnect to Octoprint and re-install both the Palette and Canvas plugins.

    Jonny Yeu -

    please help… have the same issue.

    DeeFlu -

    Still not working….

    James Peverley -

    Steven, I have the same problem as listed. I tried the recommendations to fix but still no joy. What should I do to correct this issue? Scott

    M Scott Murphy -

    Hey Steven, so sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience with this. The Canvas team will be releasing a new plugin version on Wednesday the 19th to address this. The new version should resolve this issue. Please find the links to the new versions at and let us know if you continue to have trouble.

    Alina -

    Hey Steven, thanks for your patience with this. We are currently looking into this issue, and we will update this thread as soon as possible.

    Alina -

    i cannot see the full zip files to copy?

    James Peverley - Reply

    You wouldn’t need to download the files, simply enter the URL into OctoPrint and it will download the plugins.

    Jonny Yeu -

    Hey Andrew, this does seem to be related to the latest Octoprint release. We’re looking into this issue and will provide a fix shortly.

    Jonny Yeu - Reply

    When I try to install the two plugins from URL, I get an error:

    2020-08-05 06:01:57,329 /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip --disable-pip-version-check install 'file:///tmp/tmpXTZgzf/""' --no-cache-dir

    2020-08-05 06:01:59,358 ! ERROR: Invalid requirement: '\'file:///tmp/tmpXTZgzf/""\''

    2020-08-05 06:01:59,359 ! Hint: It looks like a path. File file:///tmp/tmpXTZgzf/"" does not exist.

    2020-08-05 06:02:39,153 /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip --disable-pip-version-check install 'file:///tmp/tmpp5DEgr/""' --no-cache-dir

    2020-08-05 06:02:41,181 ! ERROR: Invalid requirement: '\'file:///tmp/tmpp5DEgr/""\''

    2020-08-05 06:02:41,182 ! Hint: It looks like a path. File file:///tmp/tmpp5DEgr/"" does not exist.

    I only have this problem with octopi 1.4.1, isntalled fine on a machine running 1.4.0, maybe the issue is with the latest build of octoprint?

    Andrew Beresford - Reply

  3. Once completed, you'll be prompted to restart your OctoPrint server. Proceed with the restart. Once the server has been restarted, the interface will now be updated to the Canvas Hub interface. You should see two additional tabs: Canvas and Palette 2. Once the server has been restarted, the interface will now be updated to the Canvas Hub interface. You should see two additional tabs: Canvas and Palette 2.
    • Once completed, you'll be prompted to restart your OctoPrint server. Proceed with the restart.

    • Once the server has been restarted, the interface will now be updated to the Canvas Hub interface. You should see two additional tabs: Canvas and Palette 2.

    Does this work for the Palette 3 as well? - Reply

    Palette 3 isn’t compatible with OctoPrint, but it does have a built-in Pi in the unit, allowing you to control your Palette/printer over Canvas:

    Jonny Yeu -

  4. To allow uploading of your sliced files directly from Canvas, you will need to first connect your account to Canvas Hub. In Octoprint, go to the Canvas tab and click &quot;Get activation code&quot;. Visit to enter the activation code and link your Canvas account to Octoprint.
    • To allow uploading of your sliced files directly from Canvas, you will need to first connect your account to Canvas Hub. In Octoprint, go to the Canvas tab and click "Get activation code".

    • Visit to enter the activation code and link your Canvas account to Octoprint.

    • If the link is successful, you will see your username in the Linked Accounts section, and Connection Status will change to Connected. This will allow you to send prints directly from Canvas after slicing to Canvas Hub.

    • Once you're ready to connect your Palette 2, click on the dropdown menu next to the Canvas tab to select Palette 2. Connect your printer by selecting Connect from the 'Connection' box. Please ensure your Palette 2 is plugged in, turned on and connected to one of your Raspberry pi ports.

  5. If you would ever like to switch back to the old OctoPrint interface, open the Settings menu, select Canvas under 'Plugins', and uncheck the 'Display Canvas Theme' option.
    • If you would ever like to switch back to the old OctoPrint interface, open the Settings menu, select Canvas under 'Plugins', and uncheck the 'Display Canvas Theme' option.

    • You're now ready to use your Canvas Hub and Printer! Please proceed to this support article to print with your Canvas Hub, Palette 2 (S) (Pro), and printer.


If you have any additional questions, please send us a message at

14 other people completed this guide.

Mosaic Support

Member since: 04/02/2020

155 Guides authored


I cant get this to work at all, I tried to do the update to Py3 , and I have tried the reflash image. nothing works. When I boot with the reflash image I don't even get a boot screen nor a web page. Anyone have any luck with this? I have a Pi4 and a Pallet 2 upgraded to an S.


Jeremy Campbell - Reply

Would you mind sending us a log from your Hub: Download Octoprint Log

Jonny Yeu -

Have you followed the steps in this article?

Jonny Yeu -

Yes I downloaded the S image and My Pi 4 does nothing.. if I download a octopi image it works fine. just cant get canvas to load

Jeremy Campbell -

Hey Jeremy, just to confirm, have you flashed the Canvas Hub S image from this page:

Jonny Yeu -

The canvas plugin no longer works. There is no canvas tab in octoprint to link your canvas account. I tried installing the plugin and rebooting multiple times.

Nick - Reply

Hey Nick, could you please try and re-flash the image file on your Hub by following the steps here:

Jonny Yeu -

Hi, I have RPI 4, Octopi 1.0 with Octoprint 1.9.2 and I can't load Canvas plugin. It always says unknown and after reboot Canvas doesn't show up in settings.

Miroslav Jarabica - Reply

Hi Miroslav, could you please try to reflash the image on your Pi:

Jonny Yeu -

Hi, for everyone that want to use CANVAS on Octoprint via docker, you need to connect to docker and install the six module with command “pip install six”

Gabriele B. - Reply

This also works for anyone who has Octoprint installed as a service.

Alex Aguilar -

Is it compatible with octoprint 1.8.0

Roland - Reply

Yes, but since it is Python 3 exclusive, you would just need to flash the new Hub image file:

Jonny Yeu -

Same issue as everyone else. Updated to Canvas 3.0 plugin and the tab doesn’t show up any more. When will this be fixed?

env.hardware.cores: 4env.hardware.freq: 1200env.hardware.ram: 916992000env.os.bits: linuxenv.os.platform: linux2env.plugins.pi_support.model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2env.plugins.pi_support.octopi_version: 0.17.0env.plugins.pi_support.throttle_state: 0x0env.python.pip: 19.3.1env.python.version: 2.7.16env.python.virtualenv: trueoctoprint.safe_mode: falseoctoprint.version: 1.6.1printer.firmware: Marlin 2.0.6 (Aug 19 2020 21:12:11)systeminfo.generator: systemapi

Jason Rahaim - Reply

Hi Jason, currently it seems to be an issue with the OctoPrint update. To get around this, please follow these steps:

- Uninstall Canvas and Palette plugins from Octoprint.

- SSH into the RPi, if you are using Windows you can use PuTTY. You can also use an IP scanner to get the IP address from the RPi, using the IP address as the hostname to connect to. Once you have the IP address, copy and paste it into PuTTY as the host to connect to.

- Unless you have already configured your RPi login, the default id and password to access the Raspberry Pi is:piraspberry

- Once the connection is established, please enter the following three commands separately.

a. sudo apt-get update

b. curl -L --output

c. python3

- Once the Python update is complete, please reboot the RPi.Afterwards, reconnect to Octoprint and re-install both the Palette and Canvas plugins.

Jonny Yeu -

Hi Palette2 Plugin is not working for me it shows installed but does not show up in Plugins or on the Tabs. If I reinstall via the plugins it shows it as uninstalling and installing but still will not show up in the plugins list or as a Tab. Is there a compatibility problem with the latest Octoprint release. Thanks

Octoprint 1.5.3.

browser.user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.190 Safari/537.36connectivity.connection_check: trueconnectivity.enabled: trueconnectivity.resolution_check: octoprint.orgconnectivity.resolution_ok: trueenv.hardware.cores: 4env.hardware.freq: 1200env.hardware.ram: 915058688env.os.bits: linuxenv.os.platform: linux2env.plugins.pi_support.model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2env.plugins.pi_support.throttle_state: 0x0env.python.pip: 19.2.3env.python.version: 2.7.16env.python.virtualenv: trueoctoprint.safe_mode: falseoctoprint.version: 1.5.3

Kwelldr - Reply

Hi there, sorry for the trouble - could you please send an OctoPrint log (instructions here: from the day this issue occurred to We will take a look on our end.

Alina -

Is there a link for the free canvas hub plugin that works ? Tried today and coming up as error trying to load url in Octoprint . Marco

Marco Cubeddu - Reply

Hey Marco, sorry for the trouble. What is the error you are seeing? Please make sure you are selecting “copy link address” versus “copy”, as this will not copy the full URL.

Alina -

can this be done a Pi2 Model B?

Eric - Reply

Yes, the plugins would be compatible!

Jonny Yeu -

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