Canvas Hub streamlines your 3D printing process by providing wireless connectivity between your printer, Palette 2, and printer. Your G-Code and settings are now accessible across your devices.
Video Overview
If you are using CANVAS Hub S, the image zip file is found here.
Please download and extract the zip folder.
Update 11.29.2021: The image files above have been updated for Python 3. When launching Octoprint for the first time, a new Octoprint user account will have to be created. Upon launching Octoprint for the first time you may also see a server error, please wait for about 5-7 minutes to allow it to start.
Disconnect the power cable from your CANVAS Hub and open it up by inserting a flat head screwdriver under the lip of the lid and prying the top lid off.
Gently lift the PCB out of the enclosure.
Flip over the board and remove the SD Card.
I have to wonder, if this is an SD card that might need to be accessed by the end user, why not make an external slot for it.
Insert the microSD card into your computer. An adapter may be necessary.
Verify which drive your microSD is present on (in this example, our SD card is on the E: drive).
Open balenaEtcher, and click 'Flash from file'. Load the image zip file.
Once loaded, Etcher should automatically select the drive for your SD card.
Select 'Flash!'. The process should take a few minutes to write onto your SD card.
Reassemble your CANVAS Hub and follow the guide for setting up your CANVAS Hub. Please note that your new web address is 'ABCD-CH-canvas-hub.local/'.
My flash fails on my hub s. The only thing written is abcd-canvas-hub-s.img with an x above it and flash failed. I have tried different sd cards with the same results.
Never mind. I used win32diskimager and got my hub s factory reset.
I flashed the sd, rebooted the Canvas. Now when I connect to the canvas Hub wifi, and go to http://abcd-ch-canvas-hub.local, I get a 503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.
Could you please try and connect to while on the Hub wifi?
I would like to SSH into my Canvas Hub S after completting these steps and I would like to change the serial number back to the original, please can you help me?
Hi Nathan, in order to do so, we would need to create an image file with a different serial number. Is there any reason why you’d like to revert back to the serial number? It would take a bit of work on our end, and our software team is currently focused on P3.
i dont see a select image option !
Hey there, could you please send us a screenshot of what you see on balenaEtcher to There should be an option to select the image file.
Alina -
Find a spot to setup your Canvas Hub. We recommend positioning your Hub closer to a router if your printer setup permits it and ensuring that the USB cable connected to your printer is long enough to reach the Hub without getting in the way of any of your printer axes during movement.
Connect your power supply to the outlet and Canvas Hub. Check that your indicator light turns on. Once connected, please wait approximately 3 minutes to initialize and set up an access point to connect.
We recommend waiting for the entire 3 minute duration as trying to access your Canvas Hub interface too early can cause it to reset and prolong the process of getting itself setup.
Locate your Canvas Hub serial number. This can be found on the bottom of your Canvas Hub unit or on the lid of the packaging box. The serial number has the format of XXXX-XX and is not case sensitive. In this case, the serial number is '0ALX-CH'.
If the Canvas Hub has been factory reset, the new serial number will be abcd-ch
Once your unit has been plugged into the power for 3 minutes, you'll be able to connect your Canvas Hub to its internal website.
At this point, your Canvas Hub is broadcasting its own network that can be located on your WiFi networks. The name for this network will be the same as your serial number with the format 'XXXX-XX-canvas-hub'. In our example, the network is called '0ALX-ch-canvas-hub' or 'abcd-ch-canvas-hub'. Connect to your Canvas Hub's hotspot.
Even if you are connected to the Canvas Hub's WiFi, it may indicate a status of 'No Internet'; this is normal.
My Canvas Hub is unable to connect to the webpage after switching networks. I've waited 5+ minutes. The Canvas Hub is close to the router, it's on a 2.4ghZ network. I've done factory reset multiple times and this same error keeps occurring once I switch to my home network. Please advise.
Hi Sandra, have you gone through the steps in this support article:
I’m not finding it on my wifi list either. I have done the factory reset and the new address should be abcd-ch-canvas-hub.local/ but it just ain’t there.
Next step?
No change. The Hub was as close as two feet or so. Next step?
Neal -
Hi Neal, please follow the steps in this support article:
can i manually connect to the network, its not popping up as a network option to chose.
Once connected to the hub's network, locate the unique web page for your Canvas Hub unit. Similar to the network name, insert your serial number with the format 'XXXX-XX-canvas-hub.local/' into the browser of your choice.
In our example, this would be '0ALX-CH-canvas-hub.local/' or 'abcd-ch-canvas-hub.local/'
If this address does not connect, please enter the IP address '' into your browser.
Please use 'http://' at the beginning of the URL, and the forward slash ('/') at the end of the address. If you are unable to connect, please visit our troubleshooting.
Now that you're connected to the Canvas Hub interface, you will connect Canvas Hub to your home network. Go to the Settings menu (wrench icon near the top of the screen) and select Network Connection on the left-side menu. Select the desired WiFi network and click Connect and input the password.
In our example, we've connected to network "BELL953". Canvas Hub will automatically restart itself after this selection to connect to the chosen network.
Canvas Hub will not appear on 5GHz networks, so ensure that you are using a network that is running on 2.4 GHz.
This can take anywhere between 3-5 minutes. If you are stuck on the 'Rebooting' screen for more than 5 minutes, please refresh the page on your browser.
Hi @althd0656, when you go to Network Connection and enter the password for your home/local WiFi network, it is normal that during the rebooting stage the hub will disconnect from its hotspot and then switch over to the network you entered the password for.
Once Canvas Hub has connected to your home network, ensure that your computer has also reconnected to this network. For some users, your computer will reconnect automatically but for others, you may need to re-enter your credentials.
To allow uploading of your sliced files directly from Canvas, you will need to first connect your account to Canvas Hub. In Octoprint, go to the Canvas tab and click "Get activation code".
Visit to enter the activation code and link your Canvas account to Octoprint.
To remove a CANVAS Hub from your account, login to CANVAS and go to Devices.
Now that your Canvas Hub can talk wirelessly to your desktop computer, connect your Hub to your printer. Depending on your printer's USB slots, select the provided USB-B or micro-USB cable. Insert the USB-A side into any port of your Hub and the other end into your printer.
Once the cable is connected, connect your printer onto OctoPrint by selecting Connect on the main screen under Connection. The Connection tab will minimize once the printer is connected to CANVAS Hub. You'll also notice that the State will read Operational in the State tab.
Lastly, connect Palette 2 to Canvas Hub. Turn on Palette 2 using the power switch on Palette's side and connect the provided micro USB. Attach the other end to any USB port on the Canvas Hub.
Return to OctoPrint. Under the Palette 2 tab, select Connect to Palette 2 to complete the connection between your Palette 2 and Canvas Hub. When your Palette 2 successfully connects the Connection Status will change to 'Connected'.
If you're having issues with connecting your Palette and printer to your Hub, please try:
Unplug your Palette from the Hub.
With your printer connected and powered on, attempt to connect to your printer via OctoPrint by manually selecting the serial port instead of the AUTO selection.
There should only be ~2 options to select from, so if one does not work, please attempt the other options until you successfully connect.
Once connected, plug your Palette back into the Hub and connect on the OctoPrint interface.
If you're still running into issues, please visit our page here.
Your Canvas Hub is now ready to go! Visit to slice your first project to calibrate Palette with your printer. Please also continue with Palette 2 connected printing instructions.
just now saw that 5G networks are not supported. Is this also true for the Palette 3 pro and hub ?
Hey Dennis, apologies for the error on our end. Palette and Hubs will connect to 5G networks, just not 5Ghz networks.
If you have any additional questions, please send us a message at
If you have any additional questions, please send us a message at
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So, followed the directions and updated the Palette plugin then ‘update all’ as told in the video, now I have a Canvas Hub that has no ‘Canvas’ tab. Been googling and everything talks about updating octo by doing X Y and Z which I have 0 experience in a linux environment so its like speaking another language to me. Looks like I now have an expensive snazzy looking brick.
Hi there, sorry about this issue you’re seeing. It would be best to do a new installation of Octoprint and our plugins following the steps in this Canvas Hub Reset guide. This will have you write a new image file onto the microSD card inside the hub, which includes a newer version of Octoprint and our plugins which are compatible with Python 3. Please be sure to download the image file for your correct Canvas Hub model. If you run into issues while doing this, please contact our team at and we can provide further assistance.
I have 2 new out of the box Canvas Hub’s Purchased 18 months ago. Tried to configure Hub #1. WiFi does not function. Polled with 2 Windows machines and 1 Mac. The hub does not appear. Rebooted many times no change. Download Hub Image, burned to factory SD card, same result. Burned Image to a new SD card same result.
Tried Hub #2. Same results. WiFi not functioning.
Any Suggestions?
Hey Jeff, is your network 2.4 or 5 ghz?
Thanks for the reply, Johnny, and for looking into this…
Heres a screenshot of the current versions tab of the Hub i recieved.
let me know if you need more…
that, I can try. Thanks
Hi @woodenship, alternatively you can reset the hub following the steps here and it should do a fresh install of Octoprint + Palette, Canvas and netconnected plugins:
order number EN-10704
no. I dont speak github. I bought a device that was supposed to be set up already. So I’d like one of those, please.
Hi @woodenship, can you try setting up ‘netconnectd’ following the steps here? From there, our modified plugin of netconnectd can be installed using this URL (Plugin Manager > Get More by URL):
Documentation says to follow onscreen instructions to connect to a wifi network, but I saw no onscreen direction in any of Hub / octoprints setup processes
the interface instantly tells me “Update Successful”. “Check for updates” Returns “Everything is up to date”
done. The interface instantly tells me that everything is up to date. Force Update in advanced settings does the same.
I’m certain this is because the hub has no internet connection. It says so in my Windows available networks.
How do i get it a internet connection without a “Network Connections” option?
Thanks for sharing. Could you please select the “Update All” button on that page to bring everything up to date? OctoPrint should be 1.7.x, and P2 and Canvas plugins are now in V3.
Hi. I Just recieved my Hub, and once logged into the Hub Octoprint local, I go to set the network connection, and there is NO “Network Connection” In the Octo-Settings (wrench) tab!!
Here’s a link to an image of the Settings Tab:
Hey Aeolus, which version of OctoPrint are you currently using?
Hey Jonathan, the CANVAS Hub S works with any model of Palette, so you would not have to upgrade to Palette 2S if you were interested in adding a Hub that could connect a webcam. That being said, I can pass this feedback onto the team so we can better communicate the capabilities of the original Hub in the future.
Don’t get me wrong, the Palette is a great concept and solves a huge problem. That being said, I never saw one note on any product page that talked about webcam functionality. As a potential customer at the time, I would have no reason to look in support documentation. If I would have known, this information would have been enough to convince me to go with the Palette 2 S instead. I do large scale prints that take many days to print, and now I am stuck with either retrofitting my old Pi or coming up with another solution just for a video feed, neither of which I expected to have to do when I bought your product.
Hey @zjonathan, we apologize for any confusion. The original Hub cannot handle a webcam as the Pi inside is not strong enough. It was built for users who preferred to purchase a Pi to connect their Palette and printer, with preinstalled OctoPrint and CANVAS Hub plugins. For users who already had a Pi and preferred to build their own Hub, we created a support article here:
The CANVAS Hub S, however, is capable of handling a webcam, and we usually refer to this list of compatible webcams as a recommendation:
Hope that helps!
Why does my webcam not function with the Canvas Hub? I have an existing Pi that works just fine with the same camera. If this is actually a loss in functionality being caused by the Canvas Hub, I don’t understand why the company would sell product that is inferior and proprietary to just providing the plugins and instructions for OctoPi.
I am trying to factory reset my hub S but the Hub S link above makes me ask for permission to access the google drive . I cannot get the image file so I can flash the unit. Thanks
Mike F - Reply
Hey Mike, sorry for this inconvenience - the image files have been reuploaded and you should be able to access them now.
Alina -