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Minor Versionm

by Jonny Yeu

  1. Please note the orientation of the SD card when inserting into Palette. When you're looking at Palette's screen, the Mosaic Logo should be facing you when inserting into your Palette. Please also check that the lock is off.
    • Please note the orientation of the SD card when inserting into Palette. When you're looking at Palette's screen, the Mosaic Logo should be facing you when inserting into your Palette. Please also check that the lock is off.

    • We also want to check that the MAF file was processed and transferred correctly. Please re-slice and download the MAF file to your SD card and try to load it to your Palette 2.

    • To check if this is an SD card issue, please re-format your card and reload the files. Please also check the MAF file on other SD cards.

  2. If you're still not able to read the files properly, we can check the connection of the SD card reader to the electronics tray as a last resort. Please follow these steps to remove Palette's bottom casing and access the electronics board. Unscrew the top electronics board to access the blue ribbon that you see in the picture below.
    • If you're still not able to read the files properly, we can check the connection of the SD card reader to the electronics tray as a last resort. Please follow these steps to remove Palette's bottom casing and access the electronics board. Unscrew the top electronics board to access the blue ribbon that you see in the picture below.

    • We want to test the connection of this ribbon, so please pull this ribbon up and out, then replace it to see if this helps with the SD card issue.


If you have any additional questions, please send us a message at

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