Pings are checkpoints in a print. Palette knows how much filament a printer uses over time, but Palette needs clear checkpoints to understand how much filament the printer was supposed to use during this time.
You can view pings while a print is in progress when printing in Accessory Mode.
Start a print in Accessory Mode, wait until the status screen for the print displays on Palette. This screen will show the completion of the print, the number of splices, filament length, and time elapsed.
Once the loading procedure is complete and the print has begun, tap on the menu on the bottom right.
From the menu, go to Statistics > Ping Offsets.
The first ping should occur after the first few layers or after around 350mm of filament is printed (visually this will be the print head moving to where the transition tower will be printed). Palette is unable to save pings at this time, but this screen can be used to refer to pings while a print is in progress.
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