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Course Stage Signoffs

API endpoints related to course stage signoffs.

POST /stage-sign-offs/requests

Create a signoff request for a course stage assessment.

GET /stage-sign-offs/requests/pending/{userid}

Gets the signoff requests that are awaiting a response from the user specified by the userid.

PATCH /stage-sign-offs/responses

Update a signoff to include a response for a course stage assessment.

GET /stage-sign-offs/responses/unacknowledged/{userid}

Gets the signoff requests that are unacknowledged from the user specified by the userid.

PATCH /stage-sign-offs/responses/:signoff_requestid/acknowledge

Acknowledge a signoff response. Note that the course stage will not be marked as completed until this endpoint has been called for a specific signoff request.

DELETE /stage-sign-offs/requests/:signoff_requestid

Cancel a signoff request. Doing so will allow the user to request a signoff again.

POST /stage-sign-offs/:stage_assessmentid/signers

Get list of users that can sign for the stage assessment. These users will be part of the team that is associated with the stage assessment.

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