A Printer profile contains information about the 3D printer that will be used to create custom print files for your machine.
Printer profiles can be created by:
- starting from a blank profile
- using a preset profile
- importing profiles from Simplify3D, PrusaSlicer/Slic3r or Kisslicer
- Number of extruders
- Nozzle diameter
- Bowden tube length - Used only for Bowden-style printers. We recommend measuring from the filament feed to the tip of the hot end. It's better to overestimate than underestimate this length
- Printer’s bed size - The X, Y, and Z lengths of your printer's bed
- Origin offset - Usually located in the middle or bottom-left corner of the print bed. You can also set a custom origin by manually entering the Origin Offset values
- File type - Variations of G-Code files used by your printer. CANVAS supports G-Code (.gco, .g), .X3G, and .makerbot.
- Firmware type - Firmware used by your printer. For the majority of printers, '5D Absolute' will be appropriate
- Firmware Purge - Some printers include a hard-coded purge when beginning a print. Because this purge is not in the print file, calculated splice lengths will all be incorrectly short by this amount. If your printer has a firmware purge, estimate the amount of filament it uses here
- Use Firmware Retraction - Some firmware will have retractions hard-coded and you can use these instead of retraction settings in your Style Profile. If you're not sure about this feature, leave it unselected.
- Sequences: Start and End G-Code sequences. Please note that if/else syntax is not supported at this time.
If you have any additional questions, please send us a message at support@mosaicmfg.com.