The Palette 2 extruder clip has been designed to create a snug fit with the PTFE tube while also allowing the tube to be inserted and removed easily. The secret to this is the rubber grommet held in the clip.
Designing your own clip
- Mosaic’s community has already designed several custom clips that are compatible with a wide range of printers and extruders. You can see the full collection of clips here. The collection includes clips for a wide variety of printers and extruders.
- We want to encourage that new designs incorporate the included rubber grommet from the standard clip in order to merge the new clip’s benefits with the new custom designs.
- Below are the details you need to know to design your own grommet-integrated extruder clip!
Here you can find the dimensions of the rubber grommet which you can design your clip to fit. Please note all dimensions are in millimeters.
The grommet is designed to be pressed into a feature in the clip such that the upper and lower lips of the grommet will hold it in place. The diameter of this retaining feature in the clip should be 7-8mm and roughly 2mm tall to match the geometry of the grommet. You can see in the drawing below that the provided extruder clip has a hole that is 8mm in diameter.
Here is an example of an extruder clip designed for a Prusa MK3-style Extruder. You will see that this replaces a component that was already on the extruder with this new clip which houses the rubber grommet.
Here is a cross section of the example custom extruder slip design with embedded rubber grommet. The diagram of the dimensions are used to account for 3D printing tolerances and to ensure it was easy to assemble.
If you have any further questions about the design guidelines please feel free to ask in the comments below and with your feedback we can continue to improve this guide.
Sharing your designs with the community
If you have a proven design we would love it if you would share it with the community. Please send your design to and we we will share it in our extruder clip repository with credit to you.