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Keyboard Shortcuts

Almost every page has a keyboard shortcut to perform actions faster. By pressing a combination of keys, you can do things that normally need a mouse, trackpad, or other input device.

Sitewide Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcut Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Enter / Cmd + Enter Submit and save form
Space Pause / play video
Guide Step Edit Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcut Shortcut Description
Ctrl + N Next line
Ctrl + P Previous line
Ctrl + Shift + N Insert a new line below this one and edit it
Ctrl + Shift + P Insert a new line above this one and edit it
Ctrl + ] Indent current line
Ctrl + [ Dedent current line
Ctrl + D Delete current line
Ctrl + . Navigate to next step.
Ctrl + , Navigate to previous step.
Wiki Edit Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcut Shortcut Description
Ctrl + I / Cmd + I Toggle italicized text
Ctrl + B / Cmd + B Toggle bold text
Ctrl + U / Cmd + U Toggle underlined text
Answers Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcut Shortcut Description
R Quote selected text in answer form
Media Markup Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcut Shortcut Description
Move marker up
Move marker down
Move marker right
Move marker left
+ Expand marker
- Shrink marker
C Copy marker
V Paste marker
Delete Delete marker
Moderation Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcut Shortcut Description
W Up
S Down
E Expand / collapse
P Pass
F Fail
? Display shortcuts

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